Exit & Emergency

It is not an option but a legal requirement to have your emergency and exit lights tested every six months and the results logged according to Australian Standards 2293.2:2005. In the case of electrical failure or any other emergency, it is imperative the emergency and exit lighting systems on your site are working. 

EPS has introduced and implemented a number of state of the art Exit & Emergency lighting and monitoring systems into many organizations to take the pressure and responsibilities off Retail owners / occupiers, as we know that their interest is focusing on their ever day business operation. With EPS’s state of the art Exit & Emergency lighting and monitoring system installed at your site you will automatically have the following

First 6 month Test performed.
Your exit & emergency lighting system at your site remotely monitored by EPS.
EPS will remotely carry out 6 month test in accordance with AS2293 requirements. Without any inconvenience of tradesman’s on your site.
Issue you with results (to be kept on site in monitoring book supplied by EPS) and testing invoice.
Issue recommendation for repair works if faults detected as a result of testing preformed. (Repair work charged in addition to 6 & 12th Month Test)
Maintain your site up to requirements.
Second test (12th month test) performed
 Your exit & emergency lighting system at your site remotely monitored by EPS.
EPS will remotely carry out 12th month test in accordance with AS2293 requirements. Without any inconvenience of tradesman’s on your site.
Issue you with results (to be kept on site in monitoring book supplied by EPS) and testing invoice.
EPS will centrally record and log testing result.
Issue recommendation for repair works if faults detected as a result of testing preformed. (Repair work charged in addition to 6 & 12th Month Test)
Maintain your site up to requirements.

AroFlo Management System

Earlier this year EPS implemented AroFlo Management System, AroFlo is a powerful job management solution used for tracking the status of all jobs, projects, costing, quoting, scheduling, preventative maintenance reminders. It really is a one stop shop that allows us to Focus on new worknot paperwork. Using AroFlo allows us to schedule our preventative maintenance tasks like Exit & Emergency months in advance with scheduled reminders for the client so you can always stay up to date with your Exit and Emergency requirements. 

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